Understanding Your energy profile
The energy profile is a tool to help understand tendencies in an individual’s biochemistry that can predispose to either health or disease. It helps in determining the specific nutritional/health practice needs of the particular individual. It is a tracking tool to monitor the body’s process of the cleansing and healing.
The equation at the top of the page of your energy profile is the ideal equation if someone is in 100% perfect health. Dr. Carey Reams, who first worked with the testing in the early part of the century was a Christian man who stated that only Jesus Christ, when He walked the earth had such an equation. We, however, can use it as a measure of how close to perfect health we are becoming.
Your actual urine/saliva numbers are shown in the dark outlined parts of the second equation given. They are obtained through the use of various instruments specific to the particular measurement needed. The other numbers are the balanced numbers, which show where your numbers would read if your equation were balanced. As you work with the program and your equation moves closer to the balancing within itself, you will experience the increase of a signs in your body of improving health. Lets look at each section for a little more information.
Sugars Section
The section called sugars shows your actual reading and the balanced reading above it. You want to get your reading as close to 1.5 as possible, provided that the balance is also as close as possible. Ideally, the actual sugar would be the same as the balanced; however once you are able to get it within 0.8 of the balance, you will experience much more steady, even energy throughout your days. The sugar reading measure how well your body metabolizes sugars and things that turn to sugar (i.e. grains, starches, fruit). If you are above 1.5, it means you are not able to use these carbohydrates well for energy and a residue of sludge from the unmetabolized carbs are stressing your system. If the actual sugar is larger than the balance, it may mean diabetic risk. If the sugar reading is more than 0.8 of the balance, there is a tendency for the pancreas to be hyperactive and overworking in making insulin. That can mean that the cells get less energy, oxygen, and nutrients then they need along with less ability to release their toxic substances. The adrenal glands (our stress glands), play a big role in the balancing of the sugar.
Saliva pH Section
Saliva pH represents in the profile can reveal the functional tendencies of all the stages of digestion. It also represents the liver’s interaction with the digestion and its filtration of toxins out of the blood.
Urine pH Section
The urine pH represents elimination through bowel and kidneys. If the bowel and/or kidneys are overstressed, it can mean a loss of the necessary minerals of the body. If they are not keeping up with the amount of the toxins that need to be filtered or carried out of the body, toxins can start to come out through the skin, or the mucous membrane that lines sinuses, nose, mouth, throat, lungs, bladder, prostate gland, and/or vagina. In this case, toxins might also be stored in fat cells so the body makes more the more fat cells to store the toxins away from vital organs. The body will also send water into the tissue spaces to dilute the toxins, leading to the feeling of water retention.
Body pH Section
The actual body pH shows the acidity or alkalinity of the body. The acceptable body pH is where the body needs to be. If the actual body pH is lower than the acceptable it indicates a tendency for more rapid degeneration and weakened organs. If the body pH is more that .3 point higher that the acceptable indicates a tendency for congestive reaction, but not advanced to the stage where the organs are weakened. Toxins can’t be released properly when the elimination organs are reacting in this allergy type fashion. Correction is important so the organs don’t become overtired/weakened.
Salts Section
The salts section measures the sum total of both good mineral salts and caustic toxic salts. If the number is above 7, it indicates a tendency for toxic salts to be present. If the actual reading is larger than balanced, salt and water tend to be trapped in the tissue. Toxic salts in the tissues always cause stress, irritation, and ultimate damage to tissues. They also blocked the nutrients, oxygen, and energy from getting into the cells. Thus cells damage and die too soon. The adrenal glands play big role in the balance of salts. If the salt reading is under the balance, it indicates a tendency for tired adrenals and/or a lack of essential minerals.
Cell Debris Section
Cell debris indicates the tendency of the body to cast off damaged cells. The higher the number, the more cells have died and must be replaced. The critical question is, does the body have enough energy and raw material to replace them?
Nitrogen Nitrate Section
Nitrogen nitrate is an indication of toxins being released by fungal parasites (yeast) that live in our gastrointestinal tract. The higher the number, the larger the colony of unfriendly organisms making over 77 toxic substances that our bodies have to eliminate or store. These organisms are present in everyone and live mainly on excess sugar and carbohydrate foods, but they can mutate to eat proteins as well. They trigger our appetite center to eat what feeds them. When the colony gets large enough, they can stimulate an excessive hunger or craving that leads to over-eating.
Their toxins cause much havoc throughout the body and impair the digestion. Then they eat what we don’t digest and their colony gets even larger. Some people also develop sensitivity/inflammatory reactions in their organs/tissue to fungal waste products. Antibiotics and steroid-type drugs encourage fungal growth. Sometimes there are large-bodied parasites present that contribute to the nitrate reading as well.
Ammonia Nitrogens Section
Ammonia Nitrogens are older, deeper, and even more damaging toxins also related to parasites of various kinds. Most parasites are microscopic. They overgrow in an unbalanced biochemistry. The parasites are much more prevalent and damaging then most sources indicate. As the biochemistry becomes more balanced, the body is no longer as hospitable to these organisms and they die, freeing us of their damaging toxins. This die-off does, however, cause cleansing reactions where we feel worse temporarily. Metabolic efficiency, reserve energy, biological age, adverse relationship, and speed of decline are shown/explained on the energy category sheet.
Each time you visit or send specimens, an energy category reading will be done. The frequency that these are needed is dependent on each individual situation and becomes less as the biochemistry comes into balance. Generally the younger (biological age) the person, the faster your energy categories will balance. If a person is ill, on drugs, has had surgeries or accidents, smokes, etc. the process will take longer. Each person differs in the speed of cleansing and healing depending on these factors and others such as genetic constitution, mineral reserve, as well as psychological, emotional, stress, and spirituals factors etc.