Reasons Why You Should Get Nutritional Testing
Why do nutritional testing?
Find out calcium needs for your body chemistry
Find out what you are digesting or not digesting
Find out if your body is assimilating nutrients
Find out vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Find out if blood sugar is high, low or normal
Find out if your body is supporting excess yeast candidiasis) or parasites
Find out if there is excess stress on internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, heart, colon or gall bladder
Find out the health level of the liver and gall bladder
Find out if your body’s environment may be supporting:
circulatory problems
high blood pressure
low blood pressure
weight gain
high cholesterol
kidney/gall stones
Perfect Health Equation target numbers are:
(a) Sugar 1.5 (measured by sugar refractometer = carbohydrate utilization)
(b-c) urine pH 6.40 – – saliva pH 6.40 (reveals Cations & Anions Resistence)
(d) urine Salt 6 – 7 C
(e) urine Albumen .04M (reveals basic change of worn-out cells)
(f-g) Urea 3/3 (reveals undigested Proteins)