Digestion & Food Portions
If you eat larger portions than you can digest, the body assimilates only a small amount of nutrients. The food that cannot be digested is fermented and putrefied by organisms in the digestive track. Fermentation and putrefaction turn food into toxins that the body absorbs. If the elimination process of the body is slow, this leads to many problems. Toxins rob digestive energy so the digestion becomes poorer and poorer over time. Now the person is in a vicious cycle of eating, poor digestion, toxins, poorer digestion. He or she becomes overloaded with toxicity, which causes illness and/or weight gain.
Practice eating just enough to stop the hunger signal. Wait 20 minutes to see how full you are. Eat again when you are hungry. Learn to enjoy the slightly hungry feeling. Notice whether you try to “eat” stress away. If so, distract yourself or rest instead (i.e. get moving, exercise, do something, rest, nap, take a hot bath – anything but eat). Find out how little you can eat to sustain yourself. Studies show that slightly hungry animals live longer and healthier. (Because they are absorbing all the nutrients they bring in and not overloading their digestive system).
It is also important to monitor your thoughts. If you are thinking about food all the time, you will be hungry all time. Take the focus off food and put it on other things in your life that bring you joy and peace.
Portioning properly is critical to good health. It does take practice and persistence, but it can be easier if you know how to eat to your particular biochemistry.